Friday, November 11, 2011

How can i tell if my Christian Dior watch is fake or not?

Basically i just got a watch, and it says DIOR on each side of the rectangle around the watch, at the back of the strap it says Genuine leather, and on the other it says No:1696 and Christian Dior underneath it, it also has the tag attached.

Is their anything i can do to check if its real or fake?

Thankss :) xx|||tack it to a jewler|||Where did you get it ???

And if you google certain places will tell you all about the very small details that go into a genuine designer piece, all of which will be unique to that particular design house, the quartz idea above/below my comment sounds right !|||Crack open the back. If it is a jewel movement it is real if it is quartz, it's fake.

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