Friday, November 11, 2011

Does anyone know how to spot a fake dior bag from the authentic?

Please tell me the signs of authenticity of a dior saddle bag. I bought one off ebay and it was guaranteed authentic. I just got the bag but I am in doubt about its authenticity. Thanks.|||If you live near a store that sells that sort of merchandise go there and carefully examine the stitching and interior of the bags. Then feel the outer leather/covering material. I am not sure about the fake Diors, but I have met my fair share of fake Louis Vuittons and Hermes. For those, If its a really bad fake, just looking at it will give it away. Slightly better ones will have the same or very similar materials, but the construction will be inferior (poor stitching in spots, lop-sided, etc) and these may have the wrong liner type if any. For the best of the fakes look at the stitching and liners as these are the easiest way to tell, followed by the feel of the outer covering.|||sorry don't know, but once myfriend saw a Gucci bag and ebay took it off because it was a fake|||in china towns..all brand bags are fake

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